Eric Kriss of Krissmotors has been following our progress for some time. Â He has successfully built an excellent Cobra kit car in the past and has some experience with the Saab Sonnet fiberglass sports car.
He is working on a Speedster Part Duh and has been following the shows and offering some suggestions with peculiarly keen insight. Â He recently sent me an index of our shows through July 2 in PDF format that is just particularly well done.
We’re starting to get a lot of questions of the nature “Which show did you cover the EVInterstellear Drive Flavis Waven in.  This Show index  of Mr. Kriss’s may help you a bit on that front.
We do a show each week. Â I can’t quite recall myself. Â Many thanks Eric. Â I found this particularly well done.
Jack Rickard
This is a great help!!! Thanks Eric, I had made some notes by my own, but this is MUCH better than my “scribbles” 🙂
Just finished watching Friday’s show. Happy birthday Jack!!
Happy Birthday Jack!
Happy birthday Jack
Mr. Rickard,
Happy Birthday! I had a Sazerac in your honor today….
Is he still alive? I turned the video off just before he committed harikiri. Didn’t want to see that happening.
Well, if he survived, happy birthday, Jack.
Happy Birthday Jack
Happy Birthday Jack,best to you and yours.
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Jack 🙂
Happy B Day!!!
Happy Birthday Man. Jack, you are the best. I really appreciate all the
Broker Dealer Lawyers insight you give to me.
I hope you have a great birthday!!!
Excellent work on the index, and indeed I found exactly what I was looking for in it. But being the demanding freeloader I am, can’t we put this on a live webpage with links to the videos and maybe even reference to suppliers, etc? You might be able to offset that cost by asking those same suppliers to pitch in with an ad.
Happy birthday Jack. Blow your candles and get back to making another episode!