EditoralsJuly 4, 2014

Celebrate Independence Day with us as we take a break from our usual schedule. Enjoy 300 reruns while we pause for the festivities. Regular programming resumes next Friday with fresh content.

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Today the 4th of July falls on our normal shoot day. We're having a party for the celebration of Independence Day. This is the day we celebrate not being British which then allows us a sense of humor, which we weren't permitted previously. And so we are no longer dour and puckish. God Save the King.

We still have the taxes unfortunately.... At least we can drink our tea on ice. Indeed, at least we HAVE ice.

In any event, there will be no show this week. I've got some new batteries in and things to talk about but they'll just have to wait until next Friday.

Stay with us.... there's about 300 reruns available for those who have to have it....

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