In the ongoing saga of EVTV we continue our attempt to reinvent ourselves daily. This past week I kind of decided to change our frequency to bi-weekly. That means we're either going to issue our video twice each week or once every two weeks. I love the precision of the English language.
In discussing this here on the blog, I learned an interesting and frankly flattering thing. I've been a writer officially and as a profession since 1979 - some 36 years. This was a fortuitous turn of events as I learned first that engineers are both TERRIBLE and documenting their work - largely because they hate doing that part of their job, and that if you were any GOOD at engineering, you inevitably got stuck on a project maintaining it for nine or ten years. By mastering the art of documentation, I could get in, make my Z on a project, and get out. Which of course led to the next project. I quickly became quite good at it, which of course led to my opportunity to almost pick and choose among the very sexiest projects in the world. F18 Hornet. AV8-B Harrier. MX Missile program. Venus Radar Mapper. You get the idea.
As many of you know, that eventually led to a dozen years as a publisher of Boardwatch Magazine. Documenting the early development of the Internet and hanging out with Vinton Cerf is about the sexiest project on the planet. Vint was actually on our cover one issue showing off his T-shirt "IP ON EVERYTHING".
When we started EVTV, it was kind of a brutalizing decision. I was known for writing. So let's start an entirely new career and learning curve with video, while I tried to learn to be a 24 year old sort of titty endowed blonde woman with a cheerful morning voice and perhaps some mastery of weather patterns. The learning curve in software, hardware and process was as challenging as anything I've ever attempted.
I was amazed to learn that video is mostly about audio. And the "show" actually happens in the editing suite - which normally takes weeks or months. We worked hard to develop what we called "video on the run". That is, shoot on Friday, edit on Saturday, upload on Sunday.
The price of course is a 7-day work week for the past six years. That's 2190 days. And we've posted some 280 feature length plus videos in that period averaging 2 hours each. In practice, that's about 47 videos per year so we weren't REALLY weekly. But it's a lot of video.
Brain actually was the driver there. He was my ad sales manager at Boardwatch Magazine and the concept was originally for him to sell advertising on the show, and that would kind of give him a way of making a living at the time. He'd been a big part of the success at Boardwatch and so I kind of felt I owed him. His position was that it wouldn't work unless we published weekly. And while I was very fearful of that pace, I agreed to do it his way.
Along the way I actually sold a couple of advertisements on EVTV. Brain never sold a one. The model was click ads on Youtube and I wouldn't play. We still don't have em, even though we are on Youtube for a handful of viewers who just HAVE to watch on their iPhones. Apple still doesn't do Flash. And the nirvana of a unified HTML5 video standard has never quite come together.
Along the way, our viewers actually led us to component sales and we were able to glean a small stream of oxygen from that, I suppose making US the advertiser. It never has actually brought us to what you would call a profit, but it's been sufficiently promising that I keep pouring money into it every year.
In any event, Brain is gone and has been for six months. So I kind of floated the concept of shooting every other week. This was a combination of things. I needed time to actually work on some projects that don't actually make very good video. We don't have advertisers or Brain. And with $2 gasoline component sales have slowed somewhat, which is a great way to wash out the wannabees and potential competition. But I heard from a number of viewers who kind of casually mentioned that they were a few videos BEHIND in their watching EVTV.
Behind? This is alarming. I guess it's true that we are lengthy and boring. But these were some of our faithful followers. And they weren't watching the video every week? What's that about?
It might be that it is just too much video. No matter what I do or cut, the video always seems like it WANTS to be two hours. But maybe we've worn out our welcome. Or perhaps worn out our viewership. So if I'm killing myself, and its killing them, maybe it's time to retire this beast. Brain obviously doesn't need a job. He's kind of come into his parents money. So why am I doing this at all?
So I kind of floated the idea of every other week. And the reaction was quite interesting. A number of viewers noted to me privately that the video was ok, but what they really liked was the blog.
The blog? Everybody on the planet has a "blog". To me the blog is almost an embarassment. It really exists so I can post charts and spreadsheets and detailed information that I kind of went over on the video, but which of course causes requests for the information in handy format. Viewers would request a printable copy of a circuit diagram or a power formula or something of that sort. A closeup of the connector we built. How to wire a Brusa connector. That sort of thing. Sometimes additional information on a topic we mentioned in passing on the show that sparked some interest.
But indeed, what I take from that is I STILL have the stuff as a writer. And I still don't have big tits or much in the way of weather knowledge.
So dance with the one that brung ya. I'm going to try to write more, and video less. That doesn't mean no more video. Just a more relaxed publication schedule. And I'll try to put something up on the blog at least weekly.
This week we've added a little something to the EVTV store. Electric Cars. In all this time, we have actually sold a car or two accidentally. But mostly they just pile up around here and we simply use them as test beds and rework them periodically. A lot of the things we try, and seem like such a good idea at the time, don't really stand the test of time.
The front mount on the Escalade comes to mind. It eats belts. I have to change it every six months. And it goes back to an argument I had with Haub about the idler pulley. I wish I had been more assertive on that. It has been a huge mistake and worse, we had $3600 in that aluminum mounting plate holding the reluctor ring, the steering pump, and the air conditioner compressor. Eventually, it has to be redone.
We reworked the original Speedster to go from a Kelly controller to a Soliton1. Big increase in performance there. The THINGS are working test beds for our Siemens and UQM drive trains. The Spyder is our working HPEVS AC-50 and we have an AC-76 in the Karman Ghia - Brains kind of unfinished project.
As an interesting aside, HPEVS has DROPPED the AC75/76 series. As it turns out, this was originally a motor for mining. They needed big torque but it had to be a sealed motor to keep from starting fires. So it isn't liquid cooled, and it isn't air cooled either. According to Bill Richie, that leads to some heat problems and in practice this motor can't make the CONTINUOUS power of the AC-51. So they have discontinued production of it.
I'm a little relieved frankly. Their product line had gotten so big and complicated, we were scarce able to support it.
Back to car sales. Eric Kriss has finished his electric Saab Sonnet and it is a dream car. He's gone on to do a Jaguar Mark II from the early sixties that I was very excited about. But he's decided to do it with an internal combustion engine instead. His observation on electric cars is that track guys like to go to the track and fool around all day. In 90 minutes, you're kind of done for the day with an electric. And the range issue really gives him problems. So he's not entirely a convert to the cause. He's tried it, but found it lacking for his needs.
And he wants to sell his Electric Speedster. Just doesn't have room in the garage anymore. So first $40K takes it - modest for what he has in it of course.
The problem with selling used conversions is BACK to the documentation. Most don't adequately document their builds and I confess we just don't do a good job with that either. The result is that they buyer, and essentially even very knowledgeable electric car guys are going to be hard put to troubleshoot and repair such a vehicle. This is particularly true if it is a Damien Maguire style build where they actually built their own components such as chargers and controllers. But equally true if they used components no longer available. And determining how it is all wired together can be a nightmare.
So the bad news regarding conversions is you basically keep them for life. If you think Nissan has a problem on Leaf resales, the home builts on eBay almost never get half the cost of the components that are in them. Too often, the components are actually obsolete. We bought a nice build of a 2003 Toyota SR5 pickup for $5000 and it had $10,000 worth of rare Thundersky 200Ah cells in it at the time. But it also has an ADC motor and a long obsolete controller.
But Eric brings an absolutely ANAL approach to this. He documents EVERYTHING. I used his book on the Saab Sonnet as an example. He took a scan of the original owners manual, and modified it to COMPLETELY document his electric version. It is one of the most beautiful examples of technical documentation of an electric car I've ever seen. His session on EVCCON in how to approach and get started with an electric vehicle conversion was a huge hit at the event.
In any event, he approached me about putting it up for sale on our online store website. And so we agreed to put it up for sale. It DOES come with documentation, the components are not obsolete at all. And it is a marvelous piece of work going for a very reasonble price. Click on the car to go to our store and purchase it. Of course we can arrange shipping.
The day after putting it up, I was pleased to receive an e-mail from Elon Musk. It was actually a solicitation that I compete in "referring people" to purchase a Tesla Model S and I received the distinct impression that it wasn't quite from Elon personally. So I replied to the address it appeared to come from, instead of the reply-to address it really came from, and noted that I was a bit skeptical that it was from Elon.
Surprisingly, I received a very nice e-mail in reply, again not likely from Elon, that the address received so much e-mail it was unmanageable, and here is his actual address to use if you want to contact him directly. Or at least his office. I thought that was a nice touch.
Tesla has of course never advertised with us, or really anybody. So it's hardly incumbent on me to sell cars for him.
On the other hand.....
I've fallen in love with my Tesla Model S. Yes, it was a trick to learn how to wedge my 300 lbs through the door by folding in half and backing in butt first. But I've got it down pretty well now and I love this car. The big surprise was the air conditioning. It actually works superbly. And the phone thing. My phone just links up and starts playing my music. And I can turn on the AC a few minutes before I go out to get in - with my phone.
I was letting the wife drive it exclusively. Now, she kind of has to share. Particularly as we are doing a bit of CAN capture using it. Or that's my excuse.
In any event, Elon has made an offer I thought I would share. If you buy a new Tesla Model S between now and October 31, 2015, and you use my personal link to do so, you get $1000 off the purchase price. And I get a $1000 credit toward maintenance and accessories. Yawn.
But If EVTV gets 10 referrals, we get two tickets to the Gigafactory opening.
Better, if we are the
I like the Model X. I may even buy one. But EVTV is about our viewers and promoting the adoption of electric cars. And it is true I'm kind of electric car poor at the moment anyway. The place is reeking with electric cars.
So we are going to take our 10, if we get em, and
So how do we make out on that? I guess I think if we are the first to score 10 sales for a Tesla Model S in North America, we pretty much make the radar screen at Tesla. It would be nice to matter to them. Could lead to good things. Like I might actually get his REAL e-mail address.
And If we can sell 10, we can probably sell another 10. We'd love to be the first to crack Tesla's "we don't advertise on TV" story.
And dreaming further, if we do get the first 10, I'm thinking of putting on some pressure for 10 tickets to the Gigafactory opening instead of two, and hosting a
The Tesla Model S is now recognized pretty much world wide as the best car ever made. I guess, ascerbic that I am, that I would say after two years with one, it pretty much is the real thing. About the best I've been able to come up with in two years of whining is that it's hard to get into and the turn signal is in the wrong place. That does probably qualify as the best ever made.
I like the show HOW ITS MADE. And I think they've done one of the best videos documenting the production of a Tesla Model S - particularly with regards to the inverter/motor/gearbox.
I agree. It's a lot of ducats. But for me, the value proposition really was there. It's kind of like a million dollar McLaren with creature comforts for $100K. And it's an experience with a car I never would have had without it.
And instead of getting used to it and taking it for granted, I like it better every day.
I'm kind of in tune with our demographic. Your kids are raised and gone. You're not missing any meals. And you're saving it for what exactly? Estate tax donation to Uncle Sugar? Leave it to the kids? Another year or two and your kids are going to be as old as you are.
IF you've been noodling on it anyway, I would like to ask you to pull the trigger and make EVTV matter one time in a row. Click the link and enjoy the easiest buying experience you've ever had, built your way, and delivered to your door. It's a bang down statement on how you want the world to be, and in support of EVTV.
I'm going to ask you to NOT think about it. Just do it. Step up to the plate and assume responsibility for your world. Your EXAMPLE is the only thing that counts. There are plenty of talking heads talking shit 24x7 and leaving enough of their "wisdom" scattered around the Internet to last a thousand years. What there are NOT enough of are grown men plowing up off the couch and DOING anything about it.
This is an opportunity to do it, and own the ride of your life. Maybe TWO of them. Here's the link and I thank you for considering this request.
This past weekend I endured no small amount of guilt over NOT doing a video. But I really didn't have much to film. So I spent the weekend with my little EVTVDue Microcontroller and the Tesla Model S captures. It was a lot of work. All day both days.
And for what? Well, I guess at this point I have drunk the KoolAid and I've been haunted ever since Otmar announced his Stretchla project to trasplant a Tesla drive train into a VW Vanagon. His approach was to actually slide an ENTIRE Tesla Model S in under the Stretchla body.
As you may be aware, we've developed kind of a different approach in that I see a future where OEM components are repurposed to do custom electric car builds. You see the Toyota SR5 uses an obsolete Raptor controller. And the HPEVS AC76 motor in our VW Karman Ghia is already out of production and we don't really have it fully completed with air conditioning and heat and so forth. So again, this goes to the survivability of our builds in the future. The Escalade motor is a very one off build of two Netgain 11 inch motors. Where do I get a replacement for that if needed?
Access to OEM spares gives us a worldwide support with spare parts typically for at least 10 years and as a practical matter forever. I can still get spares for the 1960 Nash Metropolitan. And there weren't as many of those made as of the Tesla Model S. Not only are new parts available, but as long as little girls plant trees 30 years ago, we have cars that have run into them. Wrecklas.
So we now offer Chevy Volt chargers and Auxiliary Power Modules (DC-DC converters) with a little CAN control box that makes them trivially easy to set up and use in your build. If you do blow up the charger with a lightning strike or like Rich Morris and myself, a polarity fart, you hustle on down to your local GM dealer and pick out a new charger, plug it in, and good to go. You don't have to suse out any wiring. It's wired like a Volt. It uses the same connectors. It's bolted to the car. An eight year-old can do it. And they are $1000 with core exchange. Our Brusa's, no doubt a very nice charger, are $2000 and that is a far cry from the $4700 I was paying for one when Euros were $1.35 and there was only one source in the US, Victor, to get them from.
In the long run, this approach will not only lead to maintainability, but it will dramatically decrease the cost of a build. $25-$30K for a top of the line build is simply too much. If we get that down to $15K, with a nice $10K collectible car off eBay, this all works very nicely.
Eventually, we are even out of the battery business. Tesla battery packs were $25,000 six months ago. There was is an 85kW version on eBay a few days ago offered by one of our viewers for $19995 but he had NO takers. So he's offering individual 24.9 volt MODULES out of the pack at $1349.
We picked up a couple to examine. Of course, he has no idea how the included CAN controlled BMS that comes with each module actually works or how to get it to do anything useful. But by breaking it up into modules, he'll get $22,384 out of the pack if he sells them all.
And that is the challenge, the hack, and the right to repair. These modules are not very useful if you don't know how to use them or can't use them. Much more so if you do.
So my long weekend with EVTVDue paid off yesterday afternoon. Recall that we had put the drive unit into drive and made it spin with creep and regenerative braking by playing basically a recording of the traffic from our live car. We then stripped out all the messages until we got down to seven or eight, depending on how you count it, that actually did the work.
Yesterday afternoon, I hooked up an EVTVDue and was able to put it into reverse, neutral, park and drive at will. Turn creep on and off. All agorithmically using a $99 EVTVDue board. Regen works, although it is a little rough at this point. We have some further work to do at this point, but we are in control of the Tesla Model S drive unit and it could indeed be put in a car at this very moment. And we could drive it.
I will film this this afternoon hopefully and have it up on video for this week's show Sunday. That's what I've been working on and indeed Christopher Brand and own Collin Kidder have been key to this effort.
And I confess I'm a little giddy. I consider the Tesla Model S drive unit, at 310kw and integrated into such a small and gorgeous package, to be the pinnacle of the art, the top of the heap, the ultimate accomplishment in rooting around digging through the trash pile of discarded EV junk parts. And a demonstrably difficult nut to crack.
The good news is our tools and process have been where by far nearly ALL of the effort has been focused. Collin Kidder's SavvyCAN gets better each week at capturing and analyzing CAN traffic. It is a $5000 value currently free of charge. It runs on our EVTVDue or our CANDue Teodora shield with equal dispatch. And so for less than $200 you can have the tools to play.
The EVTVDue is not a solution to controlling the Tesla Drive Unit and we'll never offer it as one. It's another step to prove the algorithms necessary to drive it. There's still a mountain of work moving that to our Andromeda Interface EVIC display unit. But I can see a day where we offer the entire drive train with touch screen controller, wiring harness, throttle for under $10k or so. It will be pretty much a drop in solution to drive trains at over 400hp. And I think it is a stellar example of engineering to purpose.
Speaking of which. I do own a Tesla Model S and indeed will probably pick up a Model X at some point. Also an Apple iPhone 6+. So it will surprise you to note that my nomination for the best engineered product innovation of the 21st century is neither. Rather, it is the "Bug-A-Salt".
There are more than 120,000 species of flies worldwide. The house fly is the most common species, carrying over 100 different kinds of disease causing germs, such as typhoid fever, dysentery, TB, Bubonic Plague, Leprosy, to name a few. Houseflies defecate every 4-5 minutes, spreading these diseases.
Another charming characteristic; A fly will lay eggs on your food and vomit on it before feasting, but they are particularly attracted to pet waste. A female housefly will lay 3,000 eggs within its life span of 21 days. Fly larvae will hatch into maggots within 24 hours. The housefly’s size depends on how well the maggot was fed; the bigger the maggot, the bigger the fly. Houseflies tend to stay within 1-2 miles of where they were born, but will travel up to 20 miles to find food. If a house fly spots a group of flies, he will join them creating a gang of flies. These disease carrying gangs and their maggot counterparts must be exterminated at all costs. We the people must join forces to combat these $h*t breeding motherfu*ker$!
Musca domestica, is a fly of the suborder Cyclorrhapha. It is the most common of all domestic flies, accounting for about 91% of all flies in human habitations, and indeed one of the most widely distributed insects, found all over the world. It is considered a pest that can carry serious diseases. House flies are capable of carrying over 100 pathogens, such as those causing typhoid, cholera, salmonellosis, bacillary dysentery, tuberculosis, anthrax, ophthalmia, and parasitic worms. Some strains have become immune to most common insecticides.
House flies feed on liquid or semiliquid substances beside solid material which has been softened by saliva or vomit. Because of their large intake of food, they deposit feces constantly, one of the factors that makes the insect a dangerous carrier of pathogens.
My wife has a serious aversion to indoor insects and houseflies in particular. I came across an item online called Bug-A-Salt and bought her a pair because she is a notoriously poor shot with a flyswatter. Houseflies laugh at her efforts.
They arrived, and I presented them. She sort of sniffed and glanced at them briefly. Any idea originating with a HUSBAND of course can't amount to much as all wives are aware.
But over the fourth of July, she tasked me with smoking a couple of pork shoulders. There is something about cooking pork that is PARTICULARLY attractive to house flies and I've had some real Alfred Hitchcock moments while doing pork of any kind. So I loaded up the Bug-A-Salts and set them by the grill. What happened next is best described in my testimonial letter to the inventor.
Lorenzo Maggiore. You are a freakin genius.I own a Tesla Model S, an Apple iPhone 6+, and a MacPro loaded. But my nomination for the greatest single invention of the 21st century is already in - the bug-a-salt 2.0.
This fourth of July I put on two pork shoulders - one in a big green egg and the other in a Weber kettle. I don't know if you are aware of the affinity houseflies have for cooking pork, but it is an Alfred Hitchcock experience. They can show up in the millions just over one piece of roasting pork.
This time I was ready. I had my camo laid out right next to my big yellow 2.0. As the pork began to sizzle, I could hear the drone from miles away. They came in low over the horizon, from the south, and the sky darkened with their approach and the low hum of two brazillion houseflies flying in formation.
As they started their initial run, I was weak in the knees. What could one man do against such a multitude. The odds were impossible. I was outnumbered, outmanned and surrounded - but NOT outgunned as it turned out. And I was seething with resentment and a slow burning anger right through my gut. They may get me. But by God I'm taking a bunch straight to hell with me.
To my amazement, after four hours of thunderous noise and battle I cannot describe and still wake trembling at the thought of, I stood bloody and exhausted, my barbecue bib in shreds, splattered from head to toe. Winded, wounded, and barely alive. But by some miracle, I had survived.
The scattered bodies of 2 Brazillian houseflies littered the front porch and driveway to a depth of 16 inches. Their carcasses slowly drying in the afternoon sun. A few little housefly legs, pointed skyward, still twitched occasionally. A low sobbing wail of the dying last wounded. And yes, a few survivors furtively scurried away, but were unable to gain flight as their wings were shredded to tatters. Those would face a long painful walk home.
They say now we are legend. Houseflies making four mile long detours to fly around - but never over - our location. The word is out. The massacre at Cape Girardeau will never be forgotten by houseflies for generations. So about six or seven weeks I figure.
I would like to special order a 6061 aluminum version, engraved, with mother of pearl handles and genuine rubber o-rings. I don't care what it costs. I want it to read DIE YOU MOTHERLESS BITCH DIE on the barrel.
I would predict the common housefly will be on the endangered and protected species list within three years. In the meantime, I'm spending my evenings siting in my yellow 2.0 specifically for mosquitoes.
I've got a twenty year old deal with the deer. If they don't start any shit, there won't be any. But you can't negotiate with a housefly.
And while Colt may have won the west, and Springfield won the war, Lorrenzo Maggiore's name will go down in history as the man who freed the barbecue forever.
You are my hero dude.
Jack Rickard
Two days after we were sitting in the dining room. My wife got up and went into the kitchen. I heard the usual screech. But this time she came running out into the haul, grabbed the bug-a-salt, cinched up her depends, and went back in. We heard ten or twelve shots in rapid succession. But finally she got him - a lone housefly that had dared enter her domain. She was hooked.
The bug-a-salt is a very high quality assault weapon that looks like a nerf gun but made of better and heavier plastic. A small bowl in the front holds about an ounce of Morton's Table Salt - when it rains it pours. This is good for about 50 shots. So ammunition is very inexpensive.
The gun shoots a tiny 1/2 gram of salt with each shot - air driven and like a shotgun blast. It's good for about 4 feet but best at two feet. It throws out a shotgun pattern PERFECTLY suited to killing house flies. I would expect overkill and splatting fly guts everywhere. But it is not. It is perfectly designed to purpose. The salt grains are about bullet size to a fly. It shreds their wings, breaks there legs, and often kills them immediately. But it doesn't blow them up and splatter fly scat all over everything. More likely, the air blows them OFF your food and onto the floor. Typically you get to enjoy the view of them on their backs, legs twitching in agony, little housefly screams of agony, etc. Occasionally I'l wing one. But they fly in a dizzy spiral down to the floor and the mercy shot is always good.
And hit or miss, it really doesnt' make a mess. The amount of salt so small, and so widely scattered, it's unnoticeable. So you get some on your food. Who cares? A tiny bit saltier. Unnoticeable really.
Flies seem to SEE you coming with a flyswatter. They don't see this coming at all. They are sitting there, smuggly vomiting and shitting all over your Kentucky Fried Chicken, knowing you can't touch them. Cock. Bang. Well, maybe not. It's beyond a bad hair day in flyville. They just do not catch on to this. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
I no longer have any desire to get rid of flies. Indeed, I want MORE of them. This quickly became the greatest indoor game sport of all time. You don't need a permit, or a tag. There is no limit on them. Nobody cares how many you kill. No rangers. No game wardens. No tents. No campfires. Hell you can stop anytime you like, sit down in front of the big screen, take a nap, and get up refreshed and go bag another 80 or so flies. Nobody is going to eat them. So you don't have to clean them. You don't grind them up. You don't make sausage out of them. You don't have to gut them and carry them back to camp. They don't have fleas. They don't even have fur in the usual sense. You don't have to wear camo. Climb trees. Ford streams. Any of that. Unlimited targets all in airconditioned comfort with a beer in your off hand.
IT'S THE GREATEST HUNTING EXPERIENCE IN THE WORLD. Leave Cecil the lion be. Trust me, if you go to Africa and go see a lion, you will have enormously MORE fun shooting the flies off of him than you ever will shooting the lion. It just doesnt' get any better than this.
Lorrenzo Maggiore is ostensibly an artist and surfer out in California. Meaning an unemployed beach bum who never could hold a job. But he's done a remarkable thing in designing this bug-a-salt gun. I think it's high art. Perfect design-to-purpose.
I would predict that within three years Musca domestica will be added to the endangered species list. This sport is TOO much fun. It may even wind up a protected species. Can you imagine? A $10,000 federal fine for killing a housefly? It's coming.
Resulting from our letter, Mr. Maggiore has awarded us dealer status and we will be adding the Bug-A-Salt to the store at $49.95 each.
Finally, an Australian Consumer Reports. Have you ever wondered how Consumer Reports does those appliance tests to determine the ratings? I hope this scored high on warranty and service.
Posted by District Speed on Monday, April 13, 2015